First Love

first_loveThe year was 1961.  Sarah Tate was entering the 9th grade.  She wore a red, cream, and teal plaid skirt with an aqua Peter Pan collared shirt, teal cardigan, matching knee socks, and crimson loafers.  Her hair was shoulder length with a swoop bang and slightly flipped on the ends.  She was nervous because this would be her first day of high school.  As she looked around, it appeared that the summer had been good to most of her female peers.  At the sight, she clasped her books to her chest to keep anyone from noticing her lack of development. Continue reading “First Love”

A Thanksgiving Narrative


The Wilfred family was known for their chain of grocery stores from cities to small towns in southwestern Virginia.  The chain’s claim to fame was favorable deals with farmers for fresh meats and produce at prices that were affordable to customers.  Their initial catchphrase was “food so fresh you’d think you were in the farmer’s garden”.  Years later it would be changed to a shorter version – “fresh from the farmer’s yard to your table”.

The patriarch and head of the business, Peter, passed away 10 years ago – leaving a trail of chaos from the business to the family.  It would be the family end that caused the most trouble, separating siblings, Felicia, Kach, and Monica like oil and water.   The disagreement began with who should run the business after Peter passed away.  Then it was about how to deal with the mounting debt Peter had with the business.  And when the company went belly up, fault was passed around along with hurtful comments and insults about issues so personal, they won’t be included here. Continue reading “A Thanksgiving Narrative”