#Writers Guide to Creating Realistic Characters


Melanie V. Logan

I’m always amazed at the wonderful tips, tricks, and insights I find thru Pinterest.  And today’s infographic adds to these exceptional tips.

Below is a chart based on the 5 P’s to developing a character – physical, psychological, personal, personality, and practices.  What’s creative and helpful about this chart is that it’s quick, easy to comprehend, and has enough facets to build a substantial character.  By the time, the writer is done, it should feel as if he/she’s known this character for a long time.

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#MotivationMonday: Don’t Give Up on Your #Dreams (Writer’s Edition)


Melanie V. Logan

Finding time to write in the midst of work, family, and household chores can be like oil and water.  They just never seem to meld sometimes.  But no matter how taxing or overwhelming it may seem, keep the dream alive.  Writing a paragraph a day is still progress and a step in the right direction.

Even if work/life balance isn’t the issue, hope of publishing may dwindle with each rejection letter or mounting critiques.  Turn the negative into a positive.  Just because there’s a “no” now, doesn’t mean there will never be a “yes”.  Take the experience as a learning lesson – not about writing, about patience.  Sometimes we want what we want now, when the better option could be later down the road.

This week’s infographic covers 20 writers who worked in industries quite different than what we’d expect.  It’s a great example to keep following our dreams.  How…

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Writers Associations: Local And National Organizations For #Writers


Melanie V. Logan

Here’s a great list of writers associations, writers groups, and organizations for writers! Many local writers organizations have affiliations with national groups, but some writing groups stand alone within their communities. If you want to find national writing associations, look no further! If you’re interested to find local writing groups, check out this great list we’ve compiled of writing groups by state.

Writing organizations offer wonderful resources for writers. Some writers associations or organizations are free; others charge membership fees. These fantastic writers associations can help you find a literary agent, arrange meetings with editors, go to writing conferences, learn craft techniques, and keep up with changes in the publishing industry.

Before you join a writers association or organization, be sure to ask a lot of questions to make sure that the group is appropriate for you!

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Life of a #Writer: Finding the Perfect Synonym to Replace Bland #Words


Melanie V. Logan

When I’m writing, sometimes I’m at a loss to find the right word.  A word that not only describes what a character is doing or feeling.  One that makes the character interesting, yet giving life to the story.  When the time arises, I reach for the almighty thesaurus…or resort to great lists like these found on Pinterest.

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Inquiring Minds Want to Know: What’s the Scoop on #Labor Day?


Melanie V. Logan

In elementary school when holidays approached, my teachers gave the history on why we celebrated them.  Year after year, we’d cutout shapes, color pre-made outlines, or glue cotton balls to construction paper to commemorate the monumental day.  But for the life of me, I can’t remember the purpose of Labor Day.  So being the Google-master that I am, I looked it up. 😉

According to the United States Department of Labor, Labor Day is

a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.

Great job workers!  Now let’s kick back and have some barbecue.

Photo: Grilling via photopin(license)

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The Future of #Writing: Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Humans in Deciding the Fate of Manuscript Submissions?


Melanie V. Logan

This quote from Georgina Cromarty’s post about writing and artificial intelligence practically blew my mind.

“Some writers will see AI manuscript evaluations as a blessing since it takes the subjective human out the loop.

…And some may see it as a threat.”

Yes, I’ve worked in the IT field for 20+ years.  Yes, I understand what the ones and zeros are all about, and the inner workings of software and hardware.  Yes, I know technology brings about modern convenience, and can spout an answer to the hardest equations with speed and ease.  But with all of that, do I trust it wholly?  No!  Here’s why.

Mankind believes computers are smart.  The reality is that technology is only as great as the humans that make it.  And of course we know that humans are bound to mistakes.  So, technology is too.  Nothing is perfect.

So when I think about artificial intelligence…

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Interesting People in #Writing: Jackie Carter

Melanie V. Logan

roanoketimes_jackiecarterIt’s amazing the jewels you find when you least expect them.  Last week while perusing the newspaper of my former hometown (Roanoke, Virginia), I came across the obituary of Jackie Carter.  Some of you may have known her already, but for me it’s all new.

Mrs. Carter was not only an author and editor of children’s books, she also made an impact in racial diversity in learning materials for kids with companies such as Scholastic, Sesame Street, and Disney.  But, when you read about her legacy, what is most fascinating (at least to me) isn’t want she accomplished in the writing world.  It was three things.  She continued to work and flourish as she battled lymphoma, advocated for the education of boys of color, and was buried in Roanoke.

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